1 00:00:01,340 --> 00:00:09,140 So the next bullish reversal pattern that is bullish piercing, as you can see on the left side, that 2 00:00:09,140 --> 00:00:11,490 bullish we're seeing contains two countries. 3 00:00:11,510 --> 00:00:14,120 First one is bearish one and second is bullish one. 4 00:00:15,220 --> 00:00:22,570 And this pattern is similar to bullish engulfing, you can say it's a slight modification of bullish 5 00:00:22,570 --> 00:00:23,800 engulfing pattern. 6 00:00:24,430 --> 00:00:34,480 So full of scandal is a bearish scandal which lows lower second can open lower than the close of scandal. 7 00:00:35,230 --> 00:00:37,690 And second scandal that is growing. 8 00:00:37,690 --> 00:00:40,190 Scandal is closing halfway. 9 00:00:40,210 --> 00:00:43,710 So this is the halfway of bearish scandal, 50 percent line. 10 00:00:44,320 --> 00:00:51,440 So this bullish scandal is closing above the halfway off Barry scandal. 11 00:00:52,120 --> 00:00:56,230 When this happens, this is called less bullish passing. 12 00:00:56,920 --> 00:01:04,630 So you can say that as compared to bullish engulfing, bullish piercing is little less convincing because 13 00:01:04,630 --> 00:01:12,220 ideally speaking, it should have gone up and it should have closed above the high of previous scandal, 14 00:01:12,220 --> 00:01:13,810 which did not happen in this case. 15 00:01:14,200 --> 00:01:16,100 So it failed to break the hype. 16 00:01:16,510 --> 00:01:22,020 So it is still below the resistance of this particular scandal. 17 00:01:22,450 --> 00:01:26,710 But as you can see, it is a milder version of bullish engulfing. 18 00:01:27,130 --> 00:01:34,630 And yes, bullish pricing is, again, a pattern that you can consider while trading, but comparatively 19 00:01:34,630 --> 00:01:42,450 bullish engulfing is more stronger, more convincing and more profitable as compared to bullish piercing. 20 00:01:43,030 --> 00:01:45,310 So quick recap. 21 00:01:45,580 --> 00:01:46,630 So it has to come. 22 00:01:46,630 --> 00:01:51,850 This market is in downtrend for scandal is bearish one, this one and second. 23 00:01:51,850 --> 00:01:57,610 Kandal is bullish, of course, which opens lower than previous lows. 24 00:01:57,610 --> 00:02:04,240 So this is very open, lower than the previous close and it closes above the midway. 25 00:02:04,240 --> 00:02:12,310 So this is the midway of bearish and it is closing above this midway of bearish candle body. 26 00:02:12,820 --> 00:02:17,560 This is the midway of body and not of the land that you have to understand. 27 00:02:18,520 --> 00:02:26,530 So it indicates that bulls have control, but lower as compared to bullish engulfing pattern will go 28 00:02:26,530 --> 00:02:33,010 to charge and see few examples and see how you can trade bullish versing. 29 00:02:34,450 --> 00:02:37,180 This is a chart of ONGC. 30 00:02:38,190 --> 00:02:42,540 So can you spot a bullish person in this case? 31 00:02:44,660 --> 00:02:46,340 I can see two things. 32 00:02:49,160 --> 00:02:54,110 So first thing that I can see here is this one. 33 00:02:55,480 --> 00:02:56,110 Isn't it? 34 00:02:56,950 --> 00:03:04,540 Of course, this country did not lose a Bohai of this, but yes, it flew above halfway mark. 35 00:03:04,600 --> 00:03:05,380 It was falling. 36 00:03:05,980 --> 00:03:08,460 The next scandal open bullish one. 37 00:03:09,040 --> 00:03:10,870 Yes, we can go for this. 38 00:03:11,170 --> 00:03:12,910 And you can see the market rallied. 39 00:03:12,910 --> 00:03:18,220 And I'm sure it is true or in this case would have been more than one to one. 40 00:03:18,730 --> 00:03:21,330 There is another bullish person that I can see. 41 00:03:21,520 --> 00:03:23,820 This one market is falling. 42 00:03:23,850 --> 00:03:26,650 Take one then next scandal. 43 00:03:27,160 --> 00:03:29,830 This one opens bullish. 44 00:03:30,100 --> 00:03:33,370 So tech two, we can go along on this. 45 00:03:33,790 --> 00:03:42,370 So its immediate target would be this support which which is going to become resistance to achieve the 46 00:03:42,370 --> 00:03:42,940 target. 47 00:03:42,940 --> 00:03:46,120 But then you'll have to find out what is the risk reward in this case. 48 00:03:46,330 --> 00:03:52,660 Now, since I've already told you how you can calculate the risk reward a lot, again, do it in this 49 00:03:52,660 --> 00:03:53,050 case. 50 00:03:53,320 --> 00:03:57,900 But yes, you can always calculated risk reward and find out the attractiveness of this trade. 51 00:03:57,910 --> 00:04:01,630 So if you are about one to do, it's good you can go for it. 52 00:04:02,710 --> 00:04:04,660 So this is an example of bullish purchasing. 53 00:04:05,060 --> 00:04:12,250 I'll give you an example of bullish purchasing which did not work, and let's then find out the reason 54 00:04:12,250 --> 00:04:13,240 why it did not. 55 00:04:13,540 --> 00:04:22,000 So again, on ONGC, we will try to find out whether we have a fail button or not. 56 00:04:26,290 --> 00:04:28,090 So can you see here? 57 00:04:29,080 --> 00:04:29,560 This is a. 58 00:04:30,880 --> 00:04:31,630 Bullish. 59 00:04:33,400 --> 00:04:35,290 Piercing pattern, isn't it? 60 00:04:36,310 --> 00:04:43,420 Pay attention here, I would like your attention for a few minutes, try to understand. 61 00:04:45,890 --> 00:04:55,460 First thing is market is falling, second thing bullish engulfing, third thing is market open higher 62 00:04:56,030 --> 00:04:58,020 and so bullish openness there. 63 00:04:58,910 --> 00:05:03,790 So all three conditions, you can see the two conditions are satisfied. 64 00:05:04,770 --> 00:05:05,130 But. 65 00:05:06,260 --> 00:05:11,330 Just tell me what would have been the risk reward ratio in this case? 66 00:05:12,600 --> 00:05:14,310 Do you think that it is attractive? 67 00:05:16,020 --> 00:05:21,830 I don't think so, because see here, this scandal is so big, so long. 68 00:05:22,940 --> 00:05:32,630 And we say that our stop loss will be below one year of this law, so this law itself is so far away 69 00:05:32,630 --> 00:05:33,450 from altricial. 70 00:05:33,460 --> 00:05:37,040 This is the law, 162 another in this case. 71 00:05:38,040 --> 00:05:44,100 It was almost six points, so 163, minus six. 72 00:05:44,550 --> 00:05:50,760 That is 157, so 157 is our exit point. 73 00:05:50,760 --> 00:05:53,190 And where we are entering, we're entering here. 74 00:05:54,030 --> 00:05:56,930 We are doing into 175 minus 157. 75 00:05:56,940 --> 00:06:01,880 So almost 18 points to risk and reward is next immediate resistance. 76 00:06:01,910 --> 00:06:02,690 So that is this. 77 00:06:03,270 --> 00:06:05,610 So 190 minus seventy five. 78 00:06:05,940 --> 00:06:10,740 So in this case, we are gaining 15 points and we are losing 18 points. 79 00:06:10,750 --> 00:06:13,770 So our risk is more than the reward. 80 00:06:14,190 --> 00:06:20,430 So it is less than one reward, is less than one that of risk. 81 00:06:20,730 --> 00:06:28,260 So in this case, even though it is a bullet piercing, I may not go for this because the risk reward 82 00:06:28,260 --> 00:06:30,080 is not attractive in this case. 83 00:06:30,630 --> 00:06:32,070 So although it failed. 84 00:06:32,070 --> 00:06:36,780 So you can see here that this pattern failed and it did not reverse. 85 00:06:36,810 --> 00:06:41,750 It should have gone up like this, but it fell down and it failed. 86 00:06:42,420 --> 00:06:42,750 But. 87 00:06:44,010 --> 00:06:49,230 To be frank, we are not going to trade this pattern because it's a risk reward is not attractive. 88 00:06:49,680 --> 00:06:54,760 So this is how you can forget about the trade and find out what is good and what is not good for you. 89 00:06:55,110 --> 00:07:05,130 But yes, as I told you that two to three times in 10 trades, you will find out that even though everything 90 00:07:05,130 --> 00:07:08,090 is right, the the pattern may not work. 91 00:07:08,790 --> 00:07:09,570 That can happen. 92 00:07:09,580 --> 00:07:13,850 So in that case, you have to get out of the trade when you stop plus gets hit. 93 00:07:13,860 --> 00:07:15,540 So you don't have to wait. 94 00:07:16,050 --> 00:07:18,090 The market has reversed. 95 00:07:18,420 --> 00:07:20,890 It has failed for it to go for it. 96 00:07:21,300 --> 00:07:25,470 So this is how you can calculate the risk reward on bullish person. 97 00:07:25,510 --> 00:07:26,990 I hope you'll be able to do this. 98 00:07:27,420 --> 00:07:31,740 Let's now see the next type of pattern.